
Soft composite silica powder

Soft composite silica powder

Soft composite silica powder

【基本說明】:Soft composite silica powder refers to the glass phase silicon dioxide powder material made of natural quartz and other inorganic non-metallic minerals by such processes as compounding, melting, cooling, crushing, grinding and classifying.


>Basic characteristics of Soft composite silica powder:

Item            Unit            Typical Value            
Appearance            /
White powder
Density            kg/m3
Mohs Hardness      
Dielectric Constant        
Dielectric Loss        
Coefficient of Linear Expansion

>Soft composite silica powder can be sorted on basis of following characteristics and prepared as required by customers:

ItemIndex of CorrectionIntroduction
PuritySiO2contentChemically stable composition, to ensure consistency of performance.
Ion impurityNa+、Cl-,etc.Can be reduced below 5ppm
Particle size distributionD50Available within D50=0.5-10μm
Particle size distributionMay be adjusted on basis of typical distribution as needed, including multimodal distribution and narrow-range distribution.
Surface characteristicsHydrophobicity and oil absorptionTreatment agent of different functions may be selected as needed by customer




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