


NOVORAY Organized 2015 Factory Celebration Activities


NOVORAY organized 2015 factory celebration activities on April 20 - 29, 2015. The competitions and activities were ended with success under the active organization and participation of staffs.
The activities include ring-toss, 100m race, relay race, two-people three-feet, long rope skipping and tug-of-war. In traditional item of tug-of-war, Factory No. 2 won the champion. Technology Dept. was like a dark horse and got the second prize. Planning Dept. defeated the traditional strong opponent Equipment Dept. and got the third prize.

蒙城县| 永靖县| 于都县| 青阳县| 眉山市| 贺州市| 西华县| 积石山| 皋兰县| 灵武市| 上思县| 北碚区| 仁寿县| 汶上县| 神木县| 西城区| 福安市| 东海县| 合山市| 民权县| 潍坊市| 嵩明县| 昌宁县| 望江县| 德清县| 弋阳县| 四子王旗| 万年县| 馆陶县| 梅河口市| 灵台县| 嘉祥县| 奉新县| 上杭县| 闸北区| 鲁甸县| 诏安县| 诸城市| 平陆县| 辽中县| 共和县|