


Xu Zhongzi, Deputy Director of The Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Peop


Accompanied by mainly responsible comrades including Zheng Ping, The Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress, and Gao Lanjun, Deputy Director of The United Front of Jiangsu and Secretary of Party Committee of Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce, Xu Zhongzi visited NOVORAY for research as Deputy Director of The Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress and President of Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce.
President Xu visited the company technology center and production factory, listened to the report about company history, credit and power, technical innovation and industry development of NOVORAY made by Chairman Li Xiaodong. Xu highly appraised for the fast development of NOVORAY in recent years, hoping NOVORAY can strengthen mutual communication with scientific research institution, focus on collaborative innovation and accelerate improvement of core competitiveness in order to make the enterprise bigger and stronger.

延津县| 巫山县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 余姚市| 景洪市| 光泽县| 潼关县| 许昌县| 铁岭市| 武义县| 济南市| 改则县| 定远县| 于田县| 错那县| 富源县| 安泽县| 康平县| 图片| 富锦市| 合阳县| 小金县| 棋牌| 托克逊县| 遵化市| 阿图什市| 临潭县| 伊金霍洛旗| 新营市| 望谟县| 公主岭市| 敖汉旗| 乌审旗| 美姑县| 济源市| 英吉沙县| 文登市| 临夏市| 原阳县| 安新县| 安义县|